Your online reviews can turn visitors into customers

Your online reviews can turn visitors into customers

One of the best things you can do for your business is to gain positive online reviews from satisfied customers. These reviews can then have a positive effect on potential customers that are interested in the products and services your business offers. Online reviews are actually an important part of a good Local SEO plan….

Why It’s Important to Keep Your Website Updated
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Why It’s Important to Keep Your Website Updated

It’s extremely important to keep your website’s software updated, regardless of what was used in which to build it. Whether it was built using WordPress or another content management platform, it is imperative that the software remain updated to the latest versions whenever possible. You will also need to consider any addons or plugins you…

Why You Need A Privacy Policy, Terms of Service and Disclaimer For Your Website

Why You Need A Privacy Policy, Terms of Service and Disclaimer For Your Website

As new laws are passed around the world and in a growing number U. S. States, it is becoming increasingly critical that every website have clear policies that outline privacy concerns and usage by outside visitors. As business owners, we need to protect our digital assets and your website is one of, if not the,…